Losing your family member or loved one due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another person is an experience that can leave you reeling. The emotional trauma of such an event can be crushing and the financial burden can be crippling. As you go through this difficult...
Is a minor dog bite worth taking legal action for?
When a dog bites, it's often a reaction to something. Sometimes, they might attack out of fear or nip when they're excited. But what if it's someone else's dog and its teeth graze or pinch your skin? Does that justify legal action? Pursuing a personal injury lawsuit...
If you have been assaulted at a place of business, who is liable?
Violent interactions with another person can occur with minimal warning. Some people take it personally when the person sitting next to them at the bar cheers for the other team during the football game. An individual trying to rob a store might assault someone in...