Seeking Justice And Compensation After A Preventable Death
When you’ve lost a loved one due to negligence or intentional acts, no amount of money can undo the harm. But financial compensation is nonetheless warranted and needed to cover costs like medical bills, funeral/burial expenses and loss of income (if the victim was a family wage earner). When you pursue compensation, however, you should seek the help of an experienced and skilled wrongful death attorney. In Albuquerque, look no further than Marshall Law, P.C.
My firm is exclusively devoted to personal injury law, with a strong focus on wrongful death and medical malpractice claims. I understand how difficult this time is for you and your family, and I will fight aggressively to ensure that you receive maximum compensation for your losses.

Legal Standing And Qualifying Cases
Wrongful death claims are sometimes misunderstood. Therefore, it may be helpful to think of them as an extension of personal injury cases. Any type of negligence or intentional act that would qualify as a personal injury claim (with a surviving victim) would qualify as a wrongful death claim if the victim’s injuries are fatal.
In a standard personal injury case, the injured victim is the plaintiff and seeks compensation on their own behalf. When those injuries prove fatal, however, the lawsuit must be filed by proxies for the deceased victim. In New Mexico, wrongful death plaintiffs are often the victim’s surviving spouse, adult siblings, parents or grown children. Cases can also be brought by nonfamily members as well, so long as they are personal representatives of the victim’s estate.
Wrongful Death Scenarios
Any act of negligence or intentional act that causes death could potentially qualify for a wrongful death claim (even if the action also results in criminal charges). Examples of common wrongful death scenarios include:
- Fatal car accidents or truck accidents
- Fatal accidents on dangerous property, such as fatal rock-climbing accidents
- Death caused by dangerous and defective products, including exploding pressure cookers
- Death caused by intentional acts of harm, including homicide, manslaughter and assault
If the actions that caused your loved one’s death are criminal in nature, you can pursue a separate wrongful death lawsuit regardless of the outcome of the criminal case.
Fatal Medical Errors
Sadly, patients do not always survive the actions of a negligent doctor or another health care professional. Too many cases of medical malpractice prove to be fatal. If you’ve lost a family member under such a scenario, I am ready to aggressively pursue compensation and justice on behalf of your loved one and your family.
Although there are countless examples of medical errors that could be fatal, a partial list includes:
- Hospital-acquired infections
- Fatal surgical errors
- Diagnostic errors or delayed diagnoses that lead to death
- Birth injuries that result in stillbirth or death shortly after birth
- Fatal medication errors
- Sepsis or other preventable complications
Discuss Your Case With A Compassionate Attorney
Immediately after losing someone you love, your focus should be on grieving and being there for your family. But when you are ready, please contact my firm to discuss your case with an attorney who understands the difficulties you are facing and is ready to fight for you on behalf of the one you’ve lost. For a free consultation about your case, call me at 505-357-0007 or send me an email.