Over the years, great strides have been made in infant mortality rates. Largely due to advances in healthcare, children are far more likely to survive early childhood.
This has not been the case for much of human history, and it even changed dramatically in the last three decades. For example, when you look at the global statistics, you’ll find that there were roughly 5 million neonatal deaths back in 1990. Fast forward to 2020, and that had been cut in half, all the way down to 2.4 million.
Improvements in medical care
The main reason that the infant mortality rate has fallen is that medical care is now better than it has ever been. For instance, birth asphyxia and infections are two of the top reasons for these deaths. But modern medicine can provide many treatment options and provide life-saving care that simply wasn’t an option for previous generations.
Getting through the first week
It’s also been found that roughly 3/4 of all infant deaths happen in the first week. If there is a focus on simply providing the care a child needs during this incredibly fragile time, many of these deaths can be prevented.
Preventative treatment
Finally, medical professionals can use preventative treatment methods now that they didn’t have at their disposal before. For instance, vaccinations have dramatically changed how likely babies are to survive. They can be immunized against diseases that could otherwise be highly dangerous, and this can also stop the spread of these diseases through young children.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that medical care is perfect. If doctors have made a mistake and a child has tragically passed away, the family may need to look into their legal options.