Infant mortality rate is a statistic that simply tracks how many infants pass away per every 1,000 successful births. This can be a reflection of a lot of things, including the healthcare system in the state itself and the type of access that individuals in that state...
3 types of birth injuries that can lead to paralysis
Whether it is your first or fourth time, the birth of a baby is generally a very joyous experience for most parents. Unfortunately, far too many infants are born with birth injuries that can impact their entire lives. One of the unfortunate outcomes of a birth-related...
Is there a way to prevent birth injuries like shoulder dystocia?
Many individuals have the false impression that birth injuries only occur in developing countries, where doctors don't assist with childbirth or residents don't have access to the latest technology. That's not the case. Countless babies and mothers suffer injuries...
When doctors fail to diagnose preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a condition in which a rapid increase in blood pressure leads to stroke, seizure, organ failure, birth injury or even the death of an expectant mother or her baby. It can arise after the 20th week of pregnancy. Although there is no cure for...
Doctors need to know when an unborn child is in distress
Pregnancy is an uncertain time. Things could go wrong at any point until mother and child are both healthy and fully recovered from the birth. Labor and delivery is a particularly dangerous process for the unborn child and the mother trying to bring it into the world....
Birth injuries can be traumatic
The process of giving birth is nothing less than a miracle. Although women in New Mexico have babies all the time with no problems, something could go wrong, leaving infants with birth injuries. Knowing that your newborn is suffering in any way is devastating. Parents...
Indications you really should have a C-section delivery
When you’re pregnant and approaching your due date, it’s time to have a serious discussion with your physician about the delivery process. While a C-section, or Caesarean delivery, is nobody’s dream delivery, it’s sometimes the wisest choice to preserve the health and...
Delivery Delays Increase Birth Injury Risk
Pregnancy is a precarious time. Mothers-to-be must spend nearly ten months making healthy choices around food, sleep, exercise and abstinence from dangerous substances to ensure that their baby is born healthy. But all of that work can be compromised by problems that...