Because Your Future Matters

Year: 2023

Why do some mothers have healthier babies?

Every mother-to-be wants her baby to be healthy. And this desire leads many women to give up alcohol and other unhealthy habits. They give them up to protect their baby’s health. But sometimes, the mother’s actions aren’t enough. Indeed, the Centers for Disease...

A prompt cancer diagnosis is critical

One of the most important things with a cancer diagnosis is to make it as early as possible. Medical experts agree that early detection gives people the absolute best chance of recovery. A big reason for this is that cancer becomes vastly more difficult to treat as it...

Traumatic effects of closed brain injuries

A closed brain injury occurs when the brain sustains damage due to a forceful impact without the skull being penetrated. Closed brain injuries can result from a variety of causes, including slip-and-falls, sports-related injuries and physical assaults.  The dangers...