Because Your Future Matters

Year: 2023

Cheap phone chargers are a safety hazard

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Just this one gadget can allow us to pay for goods, connect with others and even monitor our health. Therefore, keeping the phone powered up is a must. It might be tempting to use a cheap and generic charger to...

Why do doctors misdiagnose aneurysms?

Doctors typically follow specific steps to treat a patient. Diagnosing them is one of the initial parts of the process. It could include verbal discussions about the patient's symptoms and diagnostic tests to learn more about their body's condition. Getting an...

How to protect yourself from dog attacks

Many people get bit by dogs and suffer numerous medical complications and surgeries as a result.  You can’t always predict a dog attack, but there are some things that you can do to prevent one before it happens. Here are some good safety guidelines to follow: 1. Ask...